Every Parent's Worst Fear

Written on October 30, 2013

Any man that goes to a real barber knows that a barber is more than just a guy that cuts your hair. He is a listener, a counselor, a therapist, and most importantly, a friend. My friend, who is also a man of faith, and a loving and devoted father, just learned that his only child – a 6 year old son – has cancer.

As the husband of a cancer survivor, I can relate to the gut-wrenching fear of not knowing what is going to happen. I can sympathize with the willingness to do anything to make it go away, and the feeling of helplessness when there is nothing in your power to do that.

As the father of three beautiful young sons myself, I know that this kind of news is every parent’s worst fear. I literally wept for my friend when I found out.

My friend is self employed, and now has to balance between time at work to make sure medical bills are paid, and this precious most important time with his son as he goes through 51 weeks of chemotherapy. If each of my friends and connections were to take 5 minutes of time to donate the price of a cheeseburger, and then re-share this post to your own friends and connections, I have no doubt that my friend could spend a lot more time with his son – where he should be. I’ve seen scams that look just like this fly across social networks being shared by thousands of people. Please rest assured this is no scam, and these are very real friends of mine, who are in very real pain.

You can read more about the situation on my friends website: http://pennfieldbarbershop.com/

You can easily donate on-line at the following link: https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/c8c3/help-maddux-in-his-battle-against-cancer
UPDATE: A new donation URL is available: http://www.gofundme.com/helpmaddux

Let’s come together and give this family one less burden to deal with, and allow them to fight this disease, and heal, together.

Thank you,


Written on October 30, 2013